The choice of aerial depends on the installation environment and the type of connection on the equipment. The type and location of the aerial is normally the most important part of any radio installation. Bigger and higher is not always better! Speak to our technical team for advice.
Standard Quarter Wave
Suitable for most installations
14BNC - standard 1/4 wave aerial with BNC (bayonet style) connector
Suitable for all PageTek (not PageTek Pro) and Connexions models, DigiLink 2 and 3, RX10Sxx (standard) receiver and most older Scope transmitters / receivers.
14SMA - standard 1/4 wave aerial with SMA (threaded) connector
Suitable for F-Link 4, RX10LT (lite), RX2 Mk2

Lightweight Half Wave Dipole
Suitable for internal and sheltered external use
LDPBNC - lightweight dipole, 5m cable (approx), BNC (bayonet) connector.
Suitable for all PageTek (not PageTek Pro) and Connexions models, DigiLink 2 and 3, RX10Sxx (standard) receiver and most older Scope transmitters / receivers
LDPSMA - lightweight dipole, 5m cable (approx), SMA (threaded) connector.
Suitable for F-Link 4, DataTrack 6, LTXsma, RX10LT (lite), RX2 Mk2
LDPPRO - lightweight dipole, 5m cable (approx), BNC (bayonet) connector with integral enclosure grommet.
Suitable for PageTek Pro
Heavy-Duty Folded Dipole
Suitable for external use. Normally supplied as a kit with wall-mount bracket and feeder cable
FDKIT5 - folded dipole, 5m cable, wall bracket, BNC (bayonet) connector
FDKIT10 - folded dipole, 10m cable, wall bracket, BNC (bayonet) connector
FDKIT15 - folded dipole, 15m cable, wall bracket, BNC (bayonet) connector
Suitable for all PageTek, PageTek Pro and Connexions models, DigiLink 2 and 3, RX10Sxx (standard) receiver and most older Scope transmitters / receivers
FDKIT5SMA - folded dipole, 5m cable, wall bracket, SMA connector.
Suitable for F-Link 4, DataTrack 6, LTXsma, RX10LT (lite), RX2 Mk2
FDKIT10SMA - folded dipole, 10m cable, wall bracket, SMA connector
Suitable for F-Link 4, DataTrack 6, LTXsma, RX10LT (lite), RX2 Mk2
FDKIT15SMA - folded dipole, 15m cable, wall bracket, SMA connector.
Suitable for F-Link 4, DataTrack 6, LTXsma, RX10LT (lite), RX2 Mk2
FDPM - optional pole-mount backet for folded dipole aerial (fits 35-55mm pole, pole not supplied)