We have solutions which span many sectors, including:

The safety of pupils and staff is paramount in all educational establishments. In the event of fire, intruder or threat of physical attack, it is vital that all staff are made aware of any potential dangers as fast as possible.
- If the fire or intruder alarm is activated, how do deaf people get alerted, especially if they are studying alone, or maybe in the washroom, or asleep in a hall of residence?
- Evacuating a large campus is highly disruptive. Most premises have a pre-alarm period, to allow fire or security marshals to check for false alarms before committing to a full evacuation. But what if the marshal is at the furthest distance away from the fire or intruder control panel when the alarm activates, or maybe between two buildings? How will they know where to look for the cause of the alarm? Time is critical, what should they do?
- When schools and universities grow, or have an important event, there is often a need for new or temporary buildings. HSE and insurance auditors will demand the same level of safety & security as in the other buildings. But how do you expand your fire and intruder systems to provide reliable and cost-effective cover, especially if the temporary classroom is on the other side of a road or at the far end of the campus?
- British Standards recommended practises* are well established for alerting anybody with hearing difficulties to a fire event. For mobile personnel, this includes the use of a radio alert sent to a tactile vibrating pocket pager, or in the case of halls of residence, a vibrating night pillow pad. The system must be self-monitoring and must alert the user if the radio link fails. It must also carry on working for at least 72 hours if the mains supply is interrupted.
*[BS 5839-1: 2017, section 18]
- Where an addressable fire system is installed, both pre-alarm and fire messages can be output from the fire control panel and transmitted to fire marshals’ radio pagers, allowing them to respond rapidly without having to return to the fire control panel.
- The Scope Pagetek Pro 2 was specifically designed to provide the perfect solution for both these challenges. It ticks all the above boxes and is THE “industrial strength” radio paging system, conforming fully with BS 5839-1: 2017, section 18 and Annex C.
- The Scope FLINK4 mesh network alerting system provides a rapid and flexible solution for notifying all outlying buildings in the event of a fire, a class change, or a lockdown event. The FLINK4 operates on its own dedicated radio mesh network. A network comprises of up to 15 nodes and 1 master unit. Multiple mesh networks can be deployed if there are more than 16 buildings.
For a detailed appraisal, speak to your alarm installer or contact our Technical Sales Team.
Historic Buildings
The safety of guests and staff is always of paramount importance. In the event of fire, intruder or terrorist attack, it is vital that any danger is communicated to all occupants. Of particular concern are those who are deaf or hard of hearing, as they may not be alerted to audible alarms.
- The Scope PAGETEK PRO 2 with a selection of vibrating radio pagers was developed specifically for this purpose and provides a perfect solution for hotels and guesthouses. A vibrating pillow pad and bedside nightstand with beacon is also available for waking guests in the event of a night-time emergency.
- The system is self-monitoring with a minimum 72 hours of battery backup in the event of mains failure. It conforms fully with British Standard recommended practises* for systems that alert people with hearing difficulties in the event of a fire.
*[BS 5839-1, section 18 and Annex C]
- false alarm evacuations in hotels are not guest-friendly and will lead only to bad memories and one-star reviews., especially if they are in the middle of the night. Lost sleep = lost customers = lost revenue.
- Provide your staff with the ability to investigate the cause of the alarm before disturbing your guests’ perfect slumbers. The Scope Connexions paging transmitter can be interfaced with most addressable fire panels on the market. Pre-alarm messages are transmitted to your fire marshals so they can investigate the cause prior to evacuation. This type of system can also be interfaced to an intruder alarm and a PC running our paging application software. It is also possible to interface to a telephone PABX with the optional DTMF card.
Private is best
Scope radio systems are not reliant on third-party networks over which you have no control. If the cellular coverage is patchy or crashes during a major incident, Scope radio will not be affected.
For a detailed appraisal, speak to your alarm installer or contact our Technical Sales Team.
Historic Buildings
- The majority of historic buildings will have both intruder and fire alarm systems installed, but due to the nature of these structures, the importance of retaining the authenticity of the viewable fabric and décor is paramount. This means that in most cases it is not possible to hard wire any call points or panic buttons for staff who may need assistance in buildings open to the public.
- Most old buildings of historic significance were constructed long before the days of wireless technology, frequently with walls of considerable thickness, often of granite and with lead-lined windows. Long corridors, a multitude of rooms with solid internal walls, granite mullions and heavily leaded old glazing……. and that’s before you consider remote gatehouses and outlying buildings.
- All these wonderful old places can be and often are fascinating, but they are not radio-friendly, in fact they are the enemy of radio signal propagation. Added to that, being of considerable age and beauty, nobody is going to let you dig up the Capability Brown designed sweeping lawns and carriage ways to bury your data cables. This means that all services that need to send data or switch things remotely will need to be wireless…. which leads to the next challenge.
- Radio “noise” and traffic: as well as a plethora of wi-fi bridges needed to provide even a semblance of coverage for these majestic old buildings, many other equipment providers will also be forced to use wireless data and switching links. All of this adds up to a lot of competing signals, most in narrowband Short Range Device channels. Intermittent operation and clashes are often the result.
- For mobile staff needing a simple call or panic button, Scope radio Pendants provide a single-button portable solution to this challenge. These can be personalised and handed out to wardens who attend the areas that are open for viewing. For more rugged and critical applications, Scope EPOC-S responders provide 2-way signalling, allowing the user to receive an acknowledgement to their request, as well as fall (man-down) detection. In most cases, these devices will become part of the overall site protection infrastructure where the fire and intruder alarms are interfaced to the on-site radio paging system. A Scope RX10 provides the gateway for this, relaying the signals onwards to the Scope Connexions radio paging system.
- Scope transmitters use radio frequencies and signalling protocols which excel when it comes to in-building penetration (“RF propagation” in radio parlance). This means that not only will coverage be more reliable, but it will also result in far fewer repeater systems (a receiver and transmitter combination to relay the signal onwards) being used. Which all adds up to less cost, less infrastructure and less maintenance.
- Remote buildings, with their own fire and intruder alarms, can be linked wirelessly with all other buildings on the site using the Scope FLINK4 mesh network system for fully monitored coverage of the site, or the Scope Digilink transmitter products for simpler applications such as unoccupied outbuildings that do not warrant a fully installed fire or intruder system but still require some form of protection. Movement and smoke detectors can be linked to a Scope PageTek 4 transmitter with pre-programmed messages that are transmitted in the event of activation.
- A good radio site survey is crucial, as is the ability to log and analyse all radio traffic which might cause interference. A Scope RX2 receiver will log all activity on a chosen frequency to SD card for later analysis. This way, channels with lots of activity can be avoided. Scope’s transmitters and receivers are all frequency programmable, so even in the event of a future occurrence, simple re-programming will avoid the need for any hardware changes.
For a detailed appraisal, speak to your alarm installer or contact our Technical Sales Team.
Factories can be dangerous places if the correct risk assessments and safety measures have not been put in place. Of paramount importance is the safety of all personnel. Major hazards would include falls from height, injuries from machinery and exposure to fumes, fire or chemicals. Knowing where the casualty is on a large site is also crucial.
- A personally worn panic transmitter, with fall sensor and “man down” alarm will ensure that a First Aider is notified immediately. The rugged Scope EPOC-S Critical Alert Responder provides all these features. It can transmit direct to pocket receivers carried by supervisors and First Aiders, as well Scope RX2 or RX10 fixed receivers for activation of relays (for strobes, sounders, shut-off solenoids, etc). Data can also be sent onwards to a Scope Connexions paging transmitter for wider site coverage. Additionally, wall or desk-mounted wireless panic buttons are available, with key-operated reset. Ideal for placement beside lower risk machinery or processes, which might not warrant personal man-down responders for all operators.
- Factory sites with complex machinery and hazardous processes (e.g. chemical plants, nuclear power generation) will have zoned access areas limited to approved personnel. Not only will they require personnel to wear a “lone worker/man down” alarm but will also need to know their location.
- The Scope EPOC-BLU Critical Alert Responder works with BLU Beacons to provide location data when the alarm is activated. It can also be programmed to auto-update it’s location each time a new beacon is discovered, ideal for knowing when unauthorised staff have strayed into a restricted area. Like the EPOC-S, it will work seamlessly with Scope receivers and onward paging transmitters. Where personnel are on large sites and moving between buildings outside, an Over The Air (OTA) transmission will enable GPS location data to be transmitted from the EPOC-BLU at pre-set intervals.
- Automated machinery speeds up throughput and requires little or no human presence, but if it goes wrong, rapid human intervention will be needed to prevent damage and minimise downtime losses.
- Scope Digilink & Pagetek switched input transmitters will send pre-programmed messages to pocket receivers carried by maintenance personnel, and/or remotely switch relays using RX2 or RX10 fixed receivers. Both 5 and 10 inputs models are available.
- A fire in one building could endanger occupants in all other nearby buildings. Those buildings need to know the source of the fire alert and whether to monitor or evacuate.
- The Scope FLINK4 mesh network alerting system provides a rapid and flexible solution for notifying all outlying buildings in the event of a fire. The FLINK4 operates on its own dedicated radio mesh network. A network comprises of up to 15 nodes and 1 master unit. Multiple mesh networks can be deployed if there are more than 16 buildings.
Have a problem and need a solution? Give us a call, we may be able to help.
Leisure & Retail
The safety of clients and staff is a major concern in all multi-activity leisure establishments. Swimming pools, saunas, sports halls and gyms all pose a significant risk of accident & injury. It is vital that staff are notified of any incidents or dangers as fast as possible.
We have solutions for many applications to notify relevant personnel in the event of a situation, using a dedicated radio system that is non-reliant on third-party networks.
This may be as simple as fixed wireless panic buttons or neck worn pendant transmitters. These transmit to pocket receivers or, where required, to a fixed integrated to a fire, intruder or pool alarm system. In all cases, the message will be delivered in seconds.
Over many years Scope have designed bespoke till point messaging systems for various retail giants with the aim of reducing customer wait-times at the checkout. Whether it is a security alert, a new till roll, change required or even a spillage of some description, help can be on its way with the press of a button. This allows staff carrying pocket pagers to arrive at the till with the solution to the problem, saving time, reducing queues and increasing customer satisfaction.
With a choice of 4 or single button devices, there is a solution for many applications where the notification of an event is required by a member of staff.
Systems for alerting people with hearing difficulties are also available, as well as systems that can be fully integrated with your fire or security panel. These provide critical messaging alerts on a dedicated device that does rely on a third-party radio network (such as cellular).
Many telemetry systems have been installed over the years deploying Scope equipment linking remote building alarms to the main building control equipment, essential for monitoring and notifying staff of critical events on a real time basis.
For a detailed appraisal, speak to your alarm installer or contact our Technical Sales Team.
Leisure & Retail
In the public transport sector, the complexities and dangers of moving machinery in a public setting puts the safety of all users into sharp focus.
Risks associated with injury from collisions, being struck by moving vehicles, incidences of fire and explosions due to accident or terrorist attack are just some of the challenges faced by operators of rail, road, sea and air transport.
Railway stations with multiple platforms present a challenge for any systems which involve connecting cables between devices, where the presence of railway lines would make it impractical or unfeasible. The same can be said for airports, with roads, taxi-lanes, remote hangars and emergency fire depots.
Scope’s wireless products, such as the T-Link system can be used to link fire and intruder alarms across the areas intersected with rail lines or roads. Engine sheds and other buildings associated with railway yards can have their fire alarm systems linked wirelessly using the FLINK4 mesh network alerting system, as can remote hangars and airside fire depots. Security staff and engineers working alone can carry EPOC-S lone worker responders for man-down and SOS alerting. Where a user’s location is needed, the EPOC-BLU, with both Bluetooth & GPS modules, provides the solution.
Scope’s wireless products are also used for transmitting critical alarm information on systems installed on boats ranging from fishing vessels to superyachts. Switched input transmitters such as Digilink & Pagetek can be used to send system alerts from engine rooms to bridges. The rugged IP67 water-resistant EPOC-S responder is ideal for personnel requiring a mobile solution.
For further information and support on a specific project Technical Sales Team.
Challenges faced by farming activity are significant and diverse. Welfare of livestock, protection of animals and machinery from theft, safety issues posed by farm implements and protection of lone workers all feature highly on an insurer’s risk assessment audit.
A Scope Digilink or Pagetek transmitter can be used for any application where a message needs to be sent upon activation of a switched input. A 12v dc version with low standby current is available, ideal for battery operation in remote locations.
For animal welfare, this can be connected to a float switch in a water trough, or a weight switch in a feed hopper, which will send a pre-programmed message to the farmer’s mobile Alerter when it needs replenishing. Similarly, a door or movement sensor can be connected to send intruder alerts, both to pocket pagers carried by farm staff and fixed RX2 or RX10 receivers mounted in the farm office.
Remote buildings with alarm systems can be linked wirelessly back to the main farm office with a Scope T-Link system. An add-on Connexions paging transmitter will provide critical alarm information direct to workers carrying pocket alerters.
Lone worker protection for staff working in remote buildings, where risks might include falls from height, fume inhalation, injury from livestock or entanglement in machinery, can be provided with the rugged EPOC-S critical alert responders. Functionality includes a fall/shock sensor, a no-movement sensor and a “SOS” button for summoning help. Where location data is required, the EPOC-BLU critical responder provides indoor location when used with BLU Beacons, and outdoor location using GPS. Both models are water-resistant to IP67.
Scope also works with specialist partners who manufacture dedicated environmental systems for use on farms throughout the UK.
However unusual or diverse your application, it is likely that Scope will have a wireless solution to meet your needs.
Please contact our Technical Sales Team for further advice.